

Week 1
Salam and hello there ! My name is Mohd. Luqman Hakim Bin Mohd. Sykry. I am currently taking bachelor degree at University of Malaya. This is my Social Engagement project. In this project, me and my group will be teaching UPSR studens using online learning. We're using Mobile Learning application by by Sasbadi. I think this is an efficient way of teaching as kids nowadays are mostly attached to gadgets. So instead of they're using gadgets to play games and do something unbeneficial, they have another initiative by learning and studying using the gadgets.

For the first week, we're having ice breaking - we get to know each other more. We get to know the kids' name, state, schools, and also their ambitions. We also introduce ourselves and the course we're currently taking in UM. It was fun knowing them! My foster sister's name is NURUL IMAN BINTI MODH AZLY. She studies at SK BANGSAR. She said that she want to be a doctor when she grows up.

Week 2
For the second week of this project, we're having some talk session at The Cube, FSKTM. We gathered with all the kids and also other groups there.

The talk was about how to search in google. First, we showed them a video. Then our group members; NUR ARINA BINTI MOHD NOR explained again to them so that they had better understanding on how to use it.

Basically, there's a few techniques to search for the things that we want. By searching them with some other keywords in order to filter what we actually looking for from what we don't need. We also taught them on how to use google translation. These will help them in their studies.

Week 3
After the mid-semester break, we came back to our university life and thus continued our social engagement project.
As for the past two weeks we're just breaking the ice and doing some introduction about online learning with our foster brothers and sisters, this week we started the learning process.
Firstly, we registered the account in for our foster brothers and sisters. Then we subscribed the 180 days package so that our foster brothers and sisters can use this platform until their UPSR on September.

Iman came late for this session maybe because of the heavy rain. As soon as she arrived, I guided her to register her account according to the briefing given earlier. But unfortunately I didn't bring my laptop because of the rainy day and I can't go back to my hostel to get my laptop so we just use my smartphone.
Then Iman started to do the assessment in the platform. Today, she focused to do Bahasa Melayu and Science subjects only.
Overall, I'm satisfied with Iman's results of her assessments for the first day doing the online learning. Next week I will asked her to do other subjects to find out which subject that she needs to focus more and help her as much as I can to improve her examination results at school.
I know she's a smart and hardworking girl. I really hope that she can get straight A's for her UPSR this year. Aamiin

Week 4
Hi ! Here we go for week 4 of my social engagement project.
For this week, our sessions was at MS Lab. At first I thought Iman doesn't come but eventually she made it to our session 20 minutes late. But it's okay.

As soon as Iman arrived I asked Iman to do Mathematics and English exercises first because she haven't do it before.
For Mathematics, I think Iman needs more practice so that she can do the questions faster. Iman take time to remember the multiplication and do some simple addition and subtraction. But i gave her some tips on how to do Mathematics objective questions faster.

This week I also taught Iman to do some mind maps. This is because when Iman was doing Mathematics questions on topic Coordination, we find it hard for her to remember which one is horizontal axis and vertical axis.
That was all for this week.
My lecturer said we have about two weeks more for this project. That means we can meet our foster brothers and sisters for another two times only.

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